How to Sell Yourself (Without Clichés!) in your IT Job Interviews
In IT job interviews, most IT recruiters want their candidates to convey some qualities that feel cliché. Your IT staffing firms may even explicitly say to you to show passion in your interview or to make sure that you convey that you’re a team player. The candidates that IT recruiting agencies have no trouble placing in IT jobs are great at conveying these qualities in a more concrete way. They give solid examples of times they show employable qualities, and thus they don’t look like they’re just describing themselves with clichés.
How do you make sure your interviewer gets it that you actually are a hard worker, a fast learner, or passionate about your work? Start by questioning how you know these qualities are applicable to you. Why do you think you’re a hard worker? What do you mean when you say you’re passionate about your work? As you think about these questions, you’ll start to come up with more concrete statements. You’re a hard worker because you don’t mind putting in the extra hours until programs are totally debugged. You’re passionate about help desk roles because you genuinely enjoy seeing end-users able to achieve what they need to with your help. These are the statements your IT recruiting companies really want you to give your interviewers.
To really drive home these kinds of statements, you may want to tell a quick anecdote. Your technical recruiters don’t want you to derail the interview with long stories. Just a sentence or two about a time you demonstrated important qualities will help. Practice these anecdotes in the mirror or with a family member or friend. Putting time into this will really pay off – and your IT staffing companies will likely get some great feedback after your interview!

AVID (Applications, Voice, Internet, Data) Technical Resources is a leading Information Technology recruiting company. Specializing in placing contract and permanent personnel in both Infrastructure Support and Applications Development positions, AVID has a national presence supporting clients ranging from small businesses to Fortune 100 companies.
Headquartered in Boston, MA, AVID has achieved tremendous growth since the firm's inception in 2003. This has triggered numerous national awards and recognition, such as being named to Inc. 500 Magazine's list of 5,000 Fastest Growing Privately-held Companies in the US in 2010, 2011 and 2013. Additionally, the firm boasts of having more than 100 five-star reviews on Google from clients and candidates who rave about their experience and interaction with the firm's recruiters.
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